• We’re to help you if you’re trying to figure out how to fix a Mac that won’t start. While your Apple products, whether they be a Mac, iPad, or iPhone, seem to be very reliable, there will be.
  • IMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3) Posted on Feb 19, 2012 10:50 AM Reply I have this question too (2257) I have this question too Me too (2257) Me too.
  • Mac OS X & macOS names. As you can see from the list above, with the exception of the first OS X beta, all versions of the Mac operating system from 2001 to 2012 were all named after big cats.
  • When Apple released Mac OS X as a public beta in September 2000, a surprising number of Mac users paid $30 just to be able to run a beta version of the new operating system. Six months later, many.
  1. Thirty Five Squares Mac Os Update
  2. Thirty Five Squares Mac Os X

The Macintosh project began in 1979 when Jef Raskin, an Apple employee, envisioned an easy-to-use, low-cost computer for the average consumer.He wanted to name the computer after his favorite type of apple, the McIntosh, but the spelling was changed to 'Macintosh' for legal reasons as the original was the same spelling as that used by McIntosh Laboratory, Inc., an audio equipment.

Was there really a time before Macs? More importantly, was there really a time before the Macintosh Operating System? As I sit here typing on a Macbook Air running Mac OS X Mavericks, the pinnacle of the art form of Mac, with every technical obstacle between me and the interface removed, it's genuinely hard to remember it wasn't always this way.

All computers that weren't the Mac imitated its style. In the modern digital world, we are surrounded by its legacy. It's like a fish trying to remember a time before oceans.

But we shouldn't take the Mac for granted. The world it introduced was not inevitable; far from it. Once upon a time, computers didn't just work like this. User interfaces didn't make any kind of sense to the uninitiated. They weren't visual. You couldn't even use a mouse. Computers were scary monsters, and the only way to feed them instructions was in the punishing form of code. IBM PCs ruled the world with no clear contender.

Then a deodorant-free fruitarian hippy, a college dropout and game-maker who'd dropped acid to understand technology and named his company after a summer spent on a communal orchard, realized something that approached his vision of what computers could be. It was friendly, elegant, visual, intuitive. Inspired by a key visit to the researchers at Xerox PARC, it offered a mouse and a graphical interface. You controlled a cursor! You pointed, you clicked, you caused a revolution.

The fruitarian, who was already on shaky ground with the former Pepsi CEO he'd given his company over to, drove his skunkworks team crazy, nonstop, for years. He yelled at them about minimalism, about the fact that there were no true squares in nature, only rounded edges. He micromanaged the design of fonts based on a college class in typography that he hadn't even signed up for. He made them sign the inside of the case so they would understand this machine was supposed to be beautiful inside and out.

Thirty Five Squares Mac OS

The iconic Super Bowl commercial (above) came first, on Jan. 22, 1984. It didn't even show the machine. It was, in effect, the world's most expensive flier advertising a meeting. Steve Jobs, cleaned up and smiling in a bow tie, introduced the Macintosh on Jan. 24. He pulled it, rather awkwardly, out of a bag. When the words 'Macintosh' started rolling across the screen, followed by 'insanely great,' all to the soundtrack of Chariots of Fire, the audience was on its feet. They barely stopped applauding to let Steve or the computer speak.

I was there for the unveiling of the Macbook, the Powerbook, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. I never saw a full-on standing ovation; I never heard applause sustained for many long minutes as for the Macintosh. It even sounded like a revolution. Check it out:

Thirty Five Squares Mac Os Update

The revolution didn't proceed as smoothly as we remember. Macintosh looked great, and made a huge media splash — even filtering into the comics page when the residents of Bloom County picked one up. But back in the real world, the $2,000 price tag (that would be about $4,500 today) was too rich for most budgets. The machine didn't come with a hard drive, its 128K of RAM was restrictive, and it was only bundled with two apps, MacWrite and MacPaint. It was not the hit Jobs hoped it would be, and helped precipitate his 13-year exile from the company.

Thirty Five Squares Mac Os X

But consider the operating system. Just look at the Mac OS in 1984 next to Mac OS X in 2014. What has changed? The OS is in color, it's gotten speedier, it has a dock full of apps and it's running a different kernel under the hood. Otherwise, the system looks pretty much the same.

You still have a black Apple icon in the top left hand corner, followed by File, Edit and View. You still have a clean desktop with a few folders and files on it. And all windows still have that slight rounded edge to them.

Compare that to how much Microsoft has futzed with the Windows OS over the years. Windows 1.0, launched in 1985, was a bunch of confusing blocky squares filling the screen. Windows 8, launched last year, offers Live Tiles, a bunch of confusing blocky squares filling the screen, but also the Mac-like desktop of Windows 3 through Vista. Microsoft got rid of the iconic Start button, then put it back just as hastily.

With the Mac OS, Apple got it right out of the gate. You might say every upgrade since then has simply used whatever technology had become available to enhance Jobs' original vision. The Macintosh unveiling projected the illusion of a computer you could talk to. Now you actually can. One of the least-known features of Mac OS X Mavericks is enhanced offline dictation, with voice recognition on par with Dragon Naturally Speaking. And that's a feature Apple isn't even advertising.

It's quite possible that, given another 30 years, the Mac OS will change beyond all recognition. Maybe its mobile sibling, iOS, will take over the desktop. But somehow I doubt it. There will still be a need for laptops and desktops. Voice recognition will come along in leaps and bounds, and maybe the future will look a little like Her — but there will always be times when you want to be quiet, to type, to point-and-click.

So thank you, Steve, for sweating the details, for driving the Mac team up the wall, for demanding perfection. Thirty years later, there's no question we're all living your acid-inspired, insanely great dream.

Wingdings 2 character set and equivalent Unicode characters


Wingdings 2 font should not be used in Web pages or in e-mails that will be viewed in a Web browser. Specifying Wingdings 2 font is contrary to the published HTML specifications, has never been a documented feature of HTML and is not reliable.

This page is not a demonstration of how to use Wingdings 2 font; it provides a warning of the problems that it causes, and shows how to use Unicode instead.

Wingdings 2 is not available on all computers, and so the intended characters may not appear on computers running non-Microsoft operating systems such as Mac OS 9, Mac OS X 10, Linux or Chrome OS. The same problems are found with the Webdings, Wingdings and Wingdings 3 fonts – they should not be used in Web pages.

If you want to view a Web page that uses Wingdings 2 characters, then you need to use the Internet Explorer browser; other browsers may show none or only some of the Wingdings 2 characters.

This page lists (and attempts to display) all of the 216 characters in the Wingdings 2 font. It also lists (and attempts to display) the equivalent Unicode characters.

The characters that appear in the Wingdings 2 Character column of the following table are generated by the non-standard technique of specifying the Wingdings 2 font, using both <font face='Wingdings 2'> and. It is possible that your combination of browser and operating system will show Wingdings 2 characters, but browsers that conform to the published standards will demonstrate why Wingdings 2 font should not be used in Web pages.

The characters that appear in the Unicode Character column of the following table are generated from Unicode numeric character references, and so they should appear correctly in any Web browser that supports Unicode and that has suitable fonts available, regardless of the operating system.

Wingdings 2Unicode
CharacterDecHexPS NameCharacterDecHexNameRange
‘’320x20space‘’32U+0020SpaceBasic Latin
!330x21penballpoint🖊128394U+1F58ALower left ballpoint penMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
'340x22penfountain🖋128395U+1F58BLower left fountain penMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
#350x23brush🖌128396U+1F58CLower left paintbrushMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
$360x24crayon🖍128397U+1F58DLower left crayonMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
%370x25scissorsoutline9988U+2704White scissorsDingbats
&380x26scissorschilds9984U+2700Black safety scissorsDingbats
'390x27telephone🕾128382U+1F57EWhite touchtone telephoneMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
(400x28telhandset🕽128381U+1F57DRight hand telephone receiverMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
)410x29file1🗅128453U+1F5C5Empty noteMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
*420x2Afile🗆128454U+1F5C6Empty note pageMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
+430x2Bfile3🗇128455U+1F5C7Empty note padMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
,440x2Cfiletext1🗈128456U+1F5C8NoteMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
-450x2Dfiletext🗉128457U+1F5C9Note pageMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
.460x2Efiletext3🗊128458U+1F5CANote padMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
/470x2Ffiletall1🗋128459U+1F5CBEmpty documentMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
0480x30filetall🗌128460U+1F5CCEmpty pageMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1490x31filetall3🗍128461U+1F5CDEmpty pagesMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
2500x32clipboard📋128203U+1F4CBClipboardMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
3510x33trashcan🗑128465U+1F5D1WastebasketMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
4520x34window🗔128468U+1F5D4Desktop windowMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
5530x35monitor🖵128437U+1F5B5ScreenMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
6540x36printer🖶128438U+1F5B6Printer iconMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
7550x37fax🖷128439U+1F5B7Fax iconMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
8560x38cd🖸128440U+1F5B8Optical disc iconMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
9570x39tapecartridge🖭128429U+1F5ADTape cartridgeMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
:580x3Amouse1button🖯128431U+1F5AFOne button mouseMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
;590x3Bmouse3button🖱128433U+1F5B1Three button mouseMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
<600x3Cthumbbackup🖒128402U+1F592Reversed thumbs up signMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
=610x3Dthumbbackdwn🖓128403U+1F593Reversed thumbs down signMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
>620x3Ehandptlft1🖘128408U+1F598Sideways white left pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
?630x3Fhandptrt1🖙128409U+1F599Sideways white left pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
@640x40handptlftsld1🖚128410U+1F59ASideways black left pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
A650x41handptrtsld1🖛128411U+1F59BSideways black right pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
B660x42handbckptleft👈128072U+1F448White left pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
C670x43handbckptright👉128073U+1F449White right pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
D680x44handptlftsld🖜128412U+1F59CBlack left pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
E690x45handptrtsld🖝128413U+1F59DBlack right pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
F700x46handptup1🖞128414U+1F59ESideways white up pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
G710x47handptdwn1🖟128415U+1F59FSideways white down pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
H720x48handptupsld1🖠128416U+1F5A0Sideways black up pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
I730x49handptdwnsld1🖡128417U+1F5A1Sideways black down pointing indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
J740x4Ahandbckptup👆128070U+1F446White up pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
K750x4Bhandbckptdwn👇128071U+1F447White down pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
L760x4Chandptupsld🖢128418U+1F5A2Black up pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
M770x4Dhandptdwnsld🖣128419U+1F5A3Black down pointing backhand indexMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
N780x4Ehandspreadback🖑128401U+1F591Reversed raised hand with fingers splayedMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
O790x4Fxmark🗴128500U+1F5F4Ballot script XMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
P800x50check10003U+2713Check markDingbats
Q810x51boxxmark🗵128501U+1F5F5Ballot box with script XMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
R820x52boxcheck9745U+2611Ballot box with checkMiscellaneous Symbols
S830x53boxx9746U+2612Ballot box with XMiscellaneous Symbols
T840x54boxxbld9746U+2612Ballot box with X [bold style]Miscellaneous Symbols
U850x55circlex11198U+2BBECircled XMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
V860x56circlexbld⮿11199U+2BBFCircled bold XMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
W870x57prohibit10680U+29B8Circled reverse solidusMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
X880x58prohibitbld10680U+29B8Circled reverse solidus [bold style]Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
Y890x59ampersanditaldm🙱128625U+1F671Heavy script ligature et ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
Z900x5Aampersandbld🙴128628U+1F674Heavy ampersand ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
[910x5Bampersandsans🙲128626U+1F672Ligature open ET ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
920x5Campersandsandm🙳128627U+1F673Heavy ligature open ET ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
]930x5Dinterrobang8253U+203DInterrobangGeneral Punctuation
^940x5Einterrobangdm🙹128633U+1F679Heavy interrobang ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
_950x5Finterrobangsans🙺128634U+1F67ASans-serif interrobang ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
`960x60interrobngsandm🙻128635U+1F67BHeavy sans-serif interrobang ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
a970x61budleafboldne🙦128614U+1F666Heavy north east pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
b980x62budleafboldnw🙤128612U+1F664Heavy north west pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
c990x63budleafboldsw🙥128613U+1F665Heavy south west pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
d1000x64budleafboldse🙧128615U+1F667Heavy south east pointing budOrnamental Dingbats
e1010x65vineleafne🙚128602U+1F65ANorth east pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
f1020x66vineleafnw🙘128600U+1F658North west pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
g1030x67vineleafsw🙙128601U+1F659South west pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
h1040x68vineleafse🙛128603U+1F65BSouth east pointing vine leafOrnamental Dingbats
i1050x69zero9450U+24EACircled digit zeroEnclosed Alphanumerics
j1060x6Aone9312U+2460Circled digit oneEnclosed Alphanumerics
k1070x6Btwo9313U+2461Circled digit twoEnclosed Alphanumerics
l1080x6Cthree9314U+2462Circled digit threeEnclosed Alphanumerics
m1090x6Dfour9315U+2463Circled digit fourEnclosed Alphanumerics
n1100x6Efive9316U+2464Circled digit fiveEnclosed Alphanumerics
o1110x6Fsix9317U+2465Circled digit sixEnclosed Alphanumerics
p1120x70seven9318U+2466Circled digit sevenEnclosed Alphanumerics
q1130x71eight9319U+2467Circled digit eightEnclosed Alphanumerics
r1140x72nine9320U+2468Circled digit nineEnclosed Alphanumerics
s1150x73ten9321U+2469Circled digit tenEnclosed Alphanumerics
t1160x74zeroinv9471U+24FFNegative circled digit zeroEnclosed Alphanumerics
u1170x75oneinv10102U+2776Dingbat negative circled digit oneDingbats
v1180x76twoinv10103U+2777Dingbat negative circled digit twoDingbats
w1190x77threeinv10104U+2778Dingbat negative circled digit threeDingbats
x1200x78fourinv10105U+2779Dingbat negative circled digit fourDingbats
y1210x79fiveinv10106U+277ADingbat negative circled digit fiveDingbats
z1220x7Asixinv10107U+277BDingbat negative circled digit sixDingbats
{1230x7Bseveninv10108U+277CDingbat negative circled digit sevenDingbats
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}1250x7Dnineinv10110U+277EDingbat negative circled digit nineDingbats
~1260x7Eteninv10111U+277FDingbat negative circled number tenDingbats
1280x80sun9737U+2609SunMiscellaneous Symbols
1290x81moonfull🌕127765U+1F315Full moon symbolMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1300x82moonfirstqrtr9789U+263DFirst quarter moonMiscellaneous Symbols
ƒ1310x83moonlastqrtr9790U+263ELast quarter moonMiscellaneous Symbols
1320x84capitulum⸿11839U+2E3FCapitulumSupplemental Punctuation
1330x85cross10013U+271DLatin crossDingbats
1340x86crossbld🕇128327U+1F547Heavy latin crossMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1350x87onethirty🕜128348U+1F55CClock face one-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
ˆ1360x88twothirty🕝128349U+1F55DClock face two-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1370x89threethirty🕞128350U+1F55EClock face three-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Š1380x8Afourthirty🕟128351U+1F55FClock face four-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1390x8Bfivethirty🕠128352U+1F560Clock face five-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Œ1400x8Csixthirty🕡128353U+1F561Clock face six-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1410x8Dseventhirty🕢128354U+1F562Clock face seven-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
Ž1420x8Eeightthirty🕣128355U+1F563Clock face eight-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1430x8Fninethirty🕤128356U+1F564Clock face nine-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1440x90tenthirty🕥128357U+1F565Clock face ten-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
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1460x92twelvethirty🕧128359U+1F567Clock face twelve-thirtyMiscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
1470x93quiltsquare🙨128616U+1F668Hollow quilt square ornamentOrnamental Dingbats
1480x94quiltsquareinv🙩128617U+1F669Hollow quilt square ornament in black squareOrnamental Dingbats
1490x95circle18226U+2022BulletGeneral Punctuation
1500x96circle39679U+25CFBlack circleGeometric Shapes
1510x97circle59899U+26ABMedium black circleMiscellaneous Symbols
˜1520x98circle711044U+2B24Black large circleMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
1530x99ring1🞅128901U+1F785Medium bold white circleGeometric Shapes Extended
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1570x9Dringbutton1🞊128906U+1F78AWhite circle containing black small circleGeometric Shapes Extended
ž1580x9Eringbutton3⦿10687U+29BFCircled bulletMiscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B
Ÿ1590x9Fsquare19726U+25FEBlack medium small squareGeometric Shapes
1600xA0square39632U+25A0Black squareGeometric Shapes
¡1610xA1square59724U+25FCBlack medium squareGeometric Shapes
¢1620xA2square711035U+2B1BBlack large squareMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
£1630xA3box111036U+2B1CWhite large squareMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
¤1640xA4box5🞑128913U+1F791Heavy white squareGeometric Shapes Extended
¥1650xA5box6🞒128914U+1F792Very heavy white squareGeometric Shapes Extended
¦1660xA6box7🞓128915U+1F793Extremely heavy white squareGeometric Shapes Extended
§1670xA7boxbutton1🞔128916U+1F794White square containing black very small squareGeometric Shapes Extended
¨1680xA8boxbutton29635U+25A3White square containing black small squareGeometric Shapes
©1690xA9boxbutton3🞕128917U+1F795White square containing black medium squareGeometric Shapes Extended
ª1700xAAboxtarget🞖128918U+1F796Square targetGeometric Shapes Extended
«1710xABrhombus1🞗128919U+1F797Black tiny diamondGeometric Shapes Extended
¬1720xACrhombus211049U+2B29Black small diamondMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
­1730xADrhombus311045U+2B25Black medium diamondMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
®1740xAErhombus59670U+25C6Black diamondGeometric Shapes
¯1750xAFrhombopen9671U+25C7White diamondGeometric Shapes
°1760xB0rhombbutton1🞚128922U+1F79AWhite diamond containing black very small diamondGeometric Shapes Extended
±1770xB1rhombbutton29672U+25C8White diamond containing black small diamondGeometric Shapes
²1780xB2rhombbutton3🞛128923U+1F79BWhite diamond containing black medium diamondGeometric Shapes Extended
³1790xB3rhombtarget🞜128924U+1F79CDiamond targetGeometric Shapes Extended
´1800xB4lozenge1🞝128925U+1F79DBlack tiny lozengeGeometric Shapes Extended
µ1810xB5lozenge211050U+2B2ABlack small lozengeMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
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¸1840xB8lozengeopen9674U+25CALozengeGeometric Shapes
¹1850xB9lozengebutton🞠128928U+1F7A0White lozenge containing black small lozengeGeometric Shapes Extended
º1860xBAsemicircleleft9686U+25D6Left half black circleGeometric Shapes
»1870xBBsemicirclert9687U+25D7Right half black circleGeometric Shapes
¼1880xBCsemicircleup11210U+2BCATop half black circleMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
½1890xBDsemicircledwn11211U+2BCBBottom half black circleMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
¾1900xBEsquarecent9724U+25FCBlack medium squareGeometric Shapes
¿1910xBFrhombuscent11045U+2B25Black medium diamondMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
À1920xC0pentagon1cent11039U+2B1FBlack pentagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Á1930xC1pentagon2cent11202U+2BC2Turned black pentagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Â1940xC2hexagon1cent11043U+2B23Horizontal black hexagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ã1950xC3hexagon2cent11042U+2B22Black hexagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Ä1960xC4octagon111203U+2BC3Horizontal black octagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Å1970xC5octagon211204U+2BC4Black octagonMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
Æ1980xC6cross1🞡128929U+1F7A1Thin Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
Ç1990xC7cross2🞢128930U+1F7A2Light Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
È2000xC8cross3🞣128931U+1F7A3Medium Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
É2010xC9cross4🞤128932U+1F7A4Bold Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
Ê2020xCAcross5🞥128933U+1F7A5Very bold Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
Ë2030xCBcross6🞦128934U+1F7A6Very heavy Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
Ì2040xCCcross7🞧128935U+1F7A7Extremely heavy Greek crossGeometric Shapes Extended
Í2050xCDx1🞨128936U+1F7A8Thin saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Î2060xCEx2🞩128937U+1F7A9Light saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ï2070xCFx3🞪128938U+1F7AAMedium saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ð2080xD0x4🞫128939U+1F7ABBold saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ñ2090xD1x5🞬128940U+1F7ACHeavy saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ò2100xD2x6🞭128941U+1F7ADVery heavy saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ó2110xD3x7🞮128942U+1F7AEExtremely heavy saltireGeometric Shapes Extended
Ô2120xD4pentasterisk1🞯128943U+1F7AFLight five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Õ2130xD5pentasterisk2🞰128944U+1F7B0Medium five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ö2140xD6pentasterisk3🞱128945U+1F7B1Bold five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
×2150xD7pentasterisk4🞲128946U+1F7B2Heavy five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ø2160xD8pentasterisk5🞳128947U+1F7B3Very heavy five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ù2170xD9pentasterisk6🞴128948U+1F7B4Extremely heavy five spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ú2180xDAhexasterisk1🞵128949U+1F7B5Light six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Û2190xDBhexasterisk2🞶128950U+1F7B6Medium six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ü2200xDChexasterisk3🞷128951U+1F7B7Bold six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Ý2210xDDhexasterisk4🞸128952U+1F7B8Heavy six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
Þ2220xDEhexasterisk5🞹128953U+1F7B9Very heavy six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
ß2230xDFhexasterisk6🞺128954U+1F7BAExtremely heavy six spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
à2240xE0octasterisk1🞻128955U+1F7BBLight eight spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
á2250xE1octasterisk2🞼128956U+1F7BCMedium eight spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
â2260xE2octasterisk3🞽128957U+1F7BDBold eight spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
ã2270xE3octasterisk4🞾128958U+1F7BEHeavy eight spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
ä2280xE4octasterisk5🞿128959U+1F7BFVery heavy eight spoked asteriskGeometric Shapes Extended
å2290xE5tristar1🟀128960U+1F7C0Light three pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
æ2300xE6tristar3🟂128962U+1F7C2Three pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
ç2310xE7crosstar1🟄128964U+1F7C4Light four pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
è2320xE8crosstar310022U+2726Black four pointed starDingbats
é2330xE9pentastar1🟉128969U+1F7C9Light five pointed black starDingbats
ê2340xEApentastar39733U+2605Black starMiscellaneous Symbols
ë2350xEBhexstar110038U+2736Six pointed black starDingbats
ì2360xEChexstar3🟋128971U+1F7CBMedium six pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
í2370xEDoctastar110039U+2737Eight pointed rectilinear black starDingbats
î2380xEEoctastar3🟏128975U+1F7CFHeavy eight pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
ï2390xEFdodecastar1🟒128978U+1F7D2Light twelve pointed black starGeometric Shapes Extended
ð2400xF0dodecastar210041U+2739Twelve pointed black starDingbats
ñ2410xF1tristar4🟃128963U+1F7C3Medium three pointed pinwheel starGeometric Shapes Extended
ò2420xF2crosstar4🟇128967U+1F7C7Medium four pointed pinwheel starGeometric Shapes Extended
ó2430xF3pentastar410031U+272FPinwheel starDingbats
ô2440xF4hexstar4🟍128973U+1F7CDSix pointed pinwheel starGeometric Shapes Extended
õ2450xF5dodecastar4🟔128980U+1F7D4Heavy twelve pointed pinwheel starGeometric Shapes Extended
ö2460xF6cusp11212U+2BCCLight four pointed black cuspMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
÷2470xF7cusp111213U+2BCDRotated light four pointed black cuspMiscellaneous Symbols and Arrows
ø2480xF8xdot8251U+203BReference markGeneral Punctuation
ù2490xF9trihexasterisk8258U+2042AsterismGeneral Punctuation

Copyright © 2009–2017 Alan Wood
Created 11th June 2009 Last modified 6th May 2017
Send comments or questions to Alan Wood

Alan Wood’s Web site