Welcome to this new thread all about, you guessed it, roads !!

NS, PC, MAC, LINUX One of the most inventive indie titles in a year jam-packed with them. Baba Is You is essentially a primer for coding. Puzzles are solved by manipulating the world through If/Then statements. These statements are represented as blocks and must be pushed into place to take effect.

  • As long time followers of the blog know, I’ve had some extremely high highs and some extremely low lows.And until last year, I had been off the bike for several years. A big part of my return was as a result of joining the board of Cola Town Bike Collective.They’re a non-profit that happened to move into my neighborhood about the same time I was buying a house.
  • The Climb (2019) 1 of 10 Michael Angelo Covino and Kyle Marvin in The Climb (2019). People Michael Angelo Covino, Kyle Marvin.
(I'm not sure if there already is one, so if there is i'll abandon this )Steep
The reason why I created this thread was to bring up anything you like or dislike about the roads in ATS. It can be about the textures, how wide they are, where they are placed, where they aren't placed, how realistic they are, how unrealistic they are, anything !!
I would like for this thread to have some feedback for SCS so they can look at... so make sure to be kind because they do the best that they can. I will start this whole thread off with something that I really like about a road in ATS, and something I wish was changed.Steep
One thing that I really admire and I think that SCS did a phenomenal job on is the new exits, specifically in the Utah DLC. I mean, those diverging diamonds are a beauty !! They have came so far in creating interchanges since the base game released.

Valentine's Super Love Jam

And one thing that could use some work is the old road textures found in parts of California and Nevada. It makes the area theyre in look... not so good, even if the landscaping and terrain is on point. Here is an example of what I mean:
To whoever finds this, leave something that you like, dislike, or want in roads in ATS !!

As long time followers of the blog know, I’ve had some extremely high highs and some extremely low lows. And until last year, I had been off the bike for several years.

A big part of my return was as a result of joining the board of Cola Town Bike Collective. They’re a non-profit that happened to move into my neighborhood about the same time I was buying a house. They do a lot of different things. In some ways they are a bike shop, which I’ve taken advantage of. It’s a nice luxury having one in your neighborhood! They also do a lot of advocacy, which we could use given how difficult it is to ride in our city. They have special events, many of which are bike related, and some aren’t. The last event that I attended was Tommy Stinson of The Replacements fame doing a solo acoustic show. It was a blast of a time and helped with branding and fundraising.

They are most impactful by helping those in need. This can range from homeless, to people in poverty, or even students that are trying to make ends meet. A big part of the charity is fixing up donated bikes and finding homes for them.

Covid-19 took an immediate toll on the business. Obviously the special events are over. A big question was whether to keep the shop itself open. We are technically an “essential business” during this lockdown, but given the small building, social distancing would be next to impossible. There are many tools around where the virus could live, and frankly, we work with a vulnerable population that does not have access to testing. We didn’t want to be part of the spread of the virus so the shop was shut down.

Steep Climb - Love Jam 2019 Mac Os X

That hasn’t stopped us from supporting supporters. A lot of essential workers rely on bikes to get to their place of work. Scott has been doing work behind the scenes to safely help people get back on the road. In that sense we are partially operating but have little income.

Which leads me to the reason behind this post. We have an annual campaign called Midlands Gives. It’s a localized fundraising effort to drive donations to non-profits. This year it is essential because we need the funds to not only continue operating, but hopefully be more effective and impactful. A lot of people need help, but I’m asking readers of the blog and longtime supporters of me as a cyclist to consider a donation. The minimum is $10 and it goes a long way.

I’ve already donated $500 and am matching another $1,000. That’s how strongly I feel about this organization.

I’ll also share that because of the Bike Collective, I rode more last year than ever. The hip is fine with no setbacks. For awhile I was even getting some riding fitness back. We played with the idea of taking a trip to the mountains this summer, which I think would have happened if it weren’t for Covid-19. And if so, it would have been covered here. I’m still riding on a limited basis, more for function than for exercise, but because I have such a strong support group, I will ride and even climb again.