With some simple design differences, the MachSpeed Black square driver takes on a more traditional square form while a brand new round clubhead with a. Read the latest reviews on the Nike Sasquatch Drivers and find out what the Today's Golfer experts and other readers think of the Sasquatch. How To Adjust Nike Sq Machspeed Str8-fit Drivers For. After an extremely disappointing launch in 2019 with Catalina, Apple looks to rebound in 2020 with macOS Big Sur. Catalina has been riddled with bugs and is arguably one of the company’s worst releases in years. But Big Sur looks to turn the tide for Mac enthusiasts.

Latest Sasquatch version is 1.85

BigFoot is a 'desktop critter' for Mac OS X that provides you with a pair of feet (in addition to those you probably already possess). This manual assumes that you have already downloaded a copy of BigFoot; if not, click here for BigFoot's main page at www.sticksoftware.com. ‎Her mad scientist father has captured the legendary Bigfoot. Now her screw-up brother has gone and lost it. When Treena tracks down the Sasquatch in her university’s nature preserve, she can’t help but notice that the shock collar she uses to subdue the beast also serves to arouse it. Open source guides. Firmadyne / sasquatch forked from devttys0/sasquatch. Notifications Star 6 Fork 80 SquashFS filesystem extraction tool, forked to make errors fatal GPL-2.0 License 6 stars 80 forks Star Notifications Code; Issues 0.

  • Mac Universal Binary version
  • Shading speedups with LightWave 9.5+

Sasquatch version 1.8

New Features

  • Windows 64 bit native version.
  • Significant speed increases.
  • Updated multithreading core, now supporting more than 2 cpus.

Known LightWave Issues

  • LW reports incorrect fog color values to plugins when transparency is used, sometimes causing incorrect fog colors to mix with fiber colors when seen through multiple layers of transparency.

Known Limitations

  • Mac only: Sasquatch's renderer is still single threaded.

Sasquatch version 1.71

Bug Fixes

  • Bias -Y Combing rotation values were incorrect. Fixed.
  • Tip Translucency value overwrites Translucency in save files. Fixed.
  • Shadow of Sasquatch panel has a (large) invisible 'About' region on top, makes it hard to press top two 'A' buttons. Fixed.

Sasquatch version 1.7

New Features

  • Effector Combing This lets you use one or more effectors to stroke the fur combing in a limited region without affecting the combing anywhere else. This can help to fix up small areas, like angling tufts of fibers out of eyes or tuning the flow of fur around a mouth. It uses effectors much like Acid. The effectors can be moved, rotated, and stretched to define the combed region. The combing is in the effector's -Y direction. You can use as many effectors as you like. There's two independent channels of effector combs so you can texture map the strength of groups independently.You can also change the strength of indivdual effectors by using that effector's Polygon Size. Effector combing is added to the previous 'smart' combing and bias controllers. Probably you'll set up most combing using the older methods, and add limited region effectors just to fix up the small areas that have remaining problems.
  • A small speed boost, about 5%.
  • A new generic plugin, 'Sasquatch Panel', which is like the G2 and FPrime generics. It's a convenience tool to bring up the Sasquatch pixel panel without having to dig into the layers of LightWave panels to get to it. You'll need to use 'Add Plugin' in LightWave.
  • Support for 64 bit dongle drivers.
  • Wider image picker to show longer image names.
  • Panels are all now nonmodal, a significant workflow boost.

Bug Fixes

  • Minisliders on the Mac won't crash anymore. (!)

Sasquatch version 1.6

New Features

  • Multithreaded rendering is much faster for scenes which use Fur mode on complex objects. [The 'Receive LightWave Shadows' option is still a huge bottleneck unfortunately, but with that option off, rendering flies on dual CPU machines.]
  • Item and light picker buttons now give more informative summary labels.
  • The Mac version now uses a progress meter to display Sasquatch rendering status, and also allows aborting the render.
  • Load-from-scene support is now much more robust, and handles even cloned objects.
  • LightWave's Z buffer is limited in depth resolution, a natural limitation. This can make extremely tiny hairs (like velvet) disappear or flicker when the object is very far from the camera. A new control, 'Z Buffer Precision Bias', allows you to force fur intoview. This needed for very very very few Sasquatch scenes.. but is now available for the (er, one, poor animator!) who had exactly this bad luck. Ignorable for just about everyone.
  • The render status bar now prints the segments that are being rendered.
  • Minisliders on Macintosh now work like the PC, keeping the cursor 'unmoved' after sliding, and giving no limits to sliding distance. [A very annoying limitation in older versions!]
  • Objects that used bones with expressions and many many child bones were very slow to render in Sasquatch. This is from the surprisingly slow speed of LW expressions, multiplied by the number of times Sasquatch needs to query those bones to compute dynamics. This was particularly common on objects set up with the ACS4 tool. We've eliminated the bone query for the common case where no dynamics are computed. To avoid the slowdown for scenes with fur dynamics, you may want to pre-bake the bone motion of those bones with expressions (or just remove the expressions) in order to speed up those scenes.

Bug Fixes

  • When using Sasquatch transparency mode, sometimes a stray pixel appeared at the edges of silouettes. This was a floating point precision problem. Now fixed!
  • Using backdrop image fog would cause funny colors in Sasquatch fibers. Our bug, a remnant of LW 5.6 support. Now fixed.
  • Combing nulls wouldn't comb right if they were parented in a nested heirarchy. Our bug, from a Bad Assumption. Fixed!
  • Sasquatch image maps were mis-scaled by 0.02% as compared to LightWave's maps. This tiny mismatch was nonetheless noticed by a very alert Steve Hoefer. Fixed!
  • When the camera was very far away and zoomed in close, shadows could be offset from their 'true' position. The renderer now mostly compensates and the offset is much less severe. Reported by Bob Landry.
  • Onepass antialiasing could show a 'ghost' of colors behind an object
    if there was a very sparse layer of fur on a front surface. This was from the one-pass algorithm saving memory by storing less color information. The algorithm has now been changed to behave more accurately in most cases, eliminating the ghosting.
  • Sasquatch may have made invisible (black) objects in scenes using ultra-negative lights visible. Fixed.

Sasquatch Stadler Mac Os Update

Isolated LightWave Bug

  • PC Sasquatch can now always reliably read scenes saved from Mac
    Sasquatch. This is from a LightWave bug that has been documented and reported to Newtek. We also applied a workaround to Sasquatch itself.
  • A LightWave bug would (very rarely) corrupt Sasquatch's UV maps when applied to multiple objects. We isolated and worked around the problem so maps are more reliable.
  • Diagnosed a very slippery LightWave bug when using discontinous UV maps for texturing Sasquatch parameters. Sent an analysis and example to Newtek for fixing. Thanks to Chris Dardis for his test scene!
  • Diagnosed an occasional problem with flickering shadows when using shadow maps, especially with high fuzziness. We isolated and documented the LightWave bug and submitted it to Newtek. [Thanks to Wet Cement and also Dave Tracey for test scenes!]

Sasquatch version 1.5 GY

New Features

  • This Mac OSX-only update adds support for G2 to receive shadows from Sasquatch hair and fur.

Sasquatch version 1.5 GI

New Features

  • This PC-only update adds support for G2 to receive shadows from Sasquatch hair and fur.

Sasquatch version 1.5 EO

New Features

  • Now supports LightWave Translucency control for shadow surfaces.
  • Automatically set 'Use 'Subdivide Last' mode in LW 7, so no need for manual button.

Bug Fixes

  • Mac OSX had a license filename problem (LW 7 only). Fixed.
  • Mac UV/Weight maps were broken in LW 7. Fixed.
  • Workaround for a LW bug dealing with disabled plugins.
  • Second bug with disabled plugins could cause black surfaces! (Our bug, fixed.)
  • License screen now says '1.5' instead of incorrect '1.0' [oops!]
  • Length readout in displacement interface was ignoring 'auto object size.' Fixed.
  • Fixed subtle but potentially severe bug in creep and combing, sometimes caused hangs!

Sasquatch version 1.5 EN

New Features

  • New interface, faster and compact, using tabbed panels.
  • Full support for UV image maps, weight maps, and color vertex maps!
  • Updated rendering engine (including better shadows)
  • Rendering speed increases of 1.5X on x86 and Mac OSX!
  • Works with Hypervoxels and Volumetric Lights [LW 7+ only]
  • 96 bit floating point color accuracy [increased from 24 bits]
  • No more artifacts or slowdowns when using LW's internal multithreading
  • Object 'part' support (in addition to previous surface support) for application, creeping, and combing
  • Image selection allows loading new image from picker.
  • Missing or bad images are detected and allow you to select them manually on load.
  • Color button now uses LW's color picker
  • Support for Digital Confusion.
  • Length multiplier for long hair mode allows shortening of styles (which can be animated for 'snaking ropes')
  • User comment field to help organize multiple instances
  • Object/Light exclusion in Shadow of Sasquatch [LW 7+]
  • Optional response to LW's shadow map angles [LW 7+]
  • Multiple layers of fur now use independent 'seeds' so their fibers are not identical.
  • Frame range limits can optionally restrict Sasquatch to apply only during fixed periods
  • Multithreading defaults to 'on' for Windows dual-CPU machines.
  • 'S' panels compensate for LW 5 scenes which use '.lwo' extensions when naming objects
  • No spurious warning messages when applied to a null object
  • Removed internal disable options (you can use LW's checkbox more easily)
  • Sasquatch's main panel no longer opens slowly when applied to very very large objects [for Rowsby]
  • 'Subdivision Last' support is now optional (because LW is very slow processing this)
  • New cancel, load, and save buttons for the pixel panel.
  • LW Translucency no longer creates artifacts (though the effect is ignored).
  • Larger cut/paste buttons.
  • Ability to write fur Z effects into LW's depth maps [LW 7+]
  • No erroneous 'Holding Frozen Render' description line when rendering previews.
  • Now checks for consistency of images that LW may have silently deleted.
  • New cut/paste for fur/fiber settings
  • New shading quality control [speed tradeoff]
  • Warning/diagnosis text for stored previews
  • Negative light intensity support.
  • Definable pose frame.
  • Most object information is now discarded after rendering, saving significant RAM

Bug Fixes

  • Autosizing images didn't work with 'apply to all but..' mode. Fixed.
  • Wind/Dynamics cut & paste wasn't remembering wind values. Fixed.
  • Preview RAM display had disabled text when it shouldn't. Fixed.
  • Transparency layer gadget would flicker during updates. Fixed.
  • Very bad fog artifacts, unnoticed since 1.0-DF, fixed!
  • Shadow map RAM display was showing only 1/4 correct value. Fixed.
  • Small memory leak when entering image picker. Fixed.

Sasquatch version 1.0 DX

New Features

  • Extra decimal points in Linear animation for Rowsby
  • Over 100% values allowed for Shadow Opacity in Shadow of Sasquatch for Panikos
  • Adaptive Sampling is no longer forced to be off, (a single warning will be printed instead.)

Bug Fixes

  • Embarassing crash when cut-and-pasting image maps fixed.
  • Crash when using an object with a disabled parent bone fixed.

Sasquatch Stadler Mac Os Download

Sasquatch version 1.0 DW

New Features

  • Now works with LightWave's 'Subdivision Last' setting. (Much rejoicing from many.)
  • Mac OSX version
  • Windows USB dongle support
  • Long hair smoothness increased for extremely long detailed strands (like coiled ropes)
  • Now turns LW Adaptive Sampling off automatically (to prevent LW artifacts)

Bug Fixes

  • Rare freeze when entering image picker multiple times fixed
  • Surface name changes in Modeler weren't updating in Sasquatch. Fixed.
  • Maximum transparency layers increased to 40 (for mapped-polygon forests, etc)
  • Rare bug, when selecting multiple objects, sometimes the displayed count of objects was wrong. Fixed.
  • Rare hang when using hair objects with all 0-length segments fixed.
  • Bug which prevented mapping onto objects with one dimension scaled to 0 fixed.
  • Illegal Shadow Opacity values now not accepted.
  • Shadow of Sasquatch crash when shown in the surface preview is now avoided. (Caused by a LW bug)
  • Disabled instances no longer 'flicker' the status panel up and down quickly.

Sasquatch version 1.0 DG

New Features

  • Supports all LightWave subpatches objects natively. An important new feature!
  • Supports multilayer objects completely
  • Multiple camera support for LW 6
  • Distance clipping option to speed up landscape rendering
  • Dynamics now reacts to bone effects
  • Much improved rendering quality when LightWave antialiasing is used (no cheek artifacts!)
  • Macintosh support!
  • Dynamics now bases its strength on object scale size, so settings are easier to configure
  • Shading now follows LightWave's No Diffuse and No Specular flags.
  • Support for objects with over 64k vertices.

Bug Fixes

  • Rare rendering bug with extremely out-of-view fibers mis-rendering is fixed.
  • Status percentage bug which would go to 1700% with LightWave high AA fixed.
  • Fixed 'stuck cursor when disabled gadget' GUI bug.
  • S-panel 'Image Sharpness' was sometimes not being saved. Fixed.

Sasquatch version 1.0 DP

New Features

  • Changed final LW save call to avoid scene file corruption
  • Support for radiosity on both surfaces and fibers, only in LW 6.5.
  • Warning when multiple layers are simultaneously used.
  • Shadow of Sasquatch is now multithreadable
  • Shadow of Sasquatch now allows colored highlights (including partial coloring)
  • Size Scale can be overridden to manually change object size

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory leak when using cut-and-paste.
  • Save requester now works properly when using VBFileRequester
  • Fixed a crash bug when 0% Surface Subdivision was used with wind
  • Spherical and cylindrical mapping was not rotated properly for X and Z. Fixed.
  • Spherical mapping didn't match the poles properly. Fixed.
  • Fixed a bug with 'Hue Vary' and the solid color blue.
  • Bad object files will now not crash or hang.
  • Very occasionally, deleting an object would remove a selected Sasquatch spotlight. Fixed.
  • Curl combing would change directions when no combing was added. Fixed.

These key combinations apply only to Mac computers with an Intel processor, not Mac computers with Apple Silicon.

To use any of these key combinations, press and hold the keys immediately after pressing the power button to turn on your Mac, or after your Mac begins to restart. Keep holding until the described behaviour occurs.

  • Command (⌘)-R: Start up from the built-in macOS Recovery system. Or use Option-Command-R or Shift-Option-Command-R to start up from macOS Recovery over the Internet. macOS Recovery installs different versions of macOS, depending on the key combination you use while starting up. If your Mac is using a firmware password, you're prompted to enter the password.
  • Option (⌥) or Alt: Start up to Startup Manager, which allows you to choose other available startup disks or volumes. If your Mac is using a firmware password, you're prompted to enter the password.
  • Option-Command-P-R:Reset NVRAM or PRAM. If your Mac is using a firmware password, it ignores this key combination or starts up from macOS Recovery.
  • Shift (⇧): Start up in safe mode. Disabled when using a firmware password.
  • D: Start up with the Apple Diagnostics utility. Or use Option-Dto start up this utility over the internet. Disabled when using a firmware password.
  • N: Start up from a NetBoot server, if your Mac supports network startup volumes. To use the default boot image on the server, hold down Option-N instead. Disabled when using a firmware password.
  • Command-S: Start up in single-user mode. Disabled in macOS Mojave or later, or when using a firmware password.
  • T: Start up in target disk mode. Disabled when using a firmware password.
  • Command-V: Start up in verbose mode. Disabled when using a firmware password.
  • Eject (⏏) or F12 or mouse button or trackpad button: Eject removable media, such as an optical disc. Disabled when using a firmware password.

If a key combination doesn't work

If a key combination doesn't work during startup, one of these solutions may help:

  • Press and hold all keys in the combination together, not one at a time.
  • Shut down your Mac. Then press the power button to turn on your Mac. Then press and hold the keys as your Mac starts up.
  • Wait a few seconds before pressing the keys, to give your Mac more time to recognise the keyboard as it starts up. Some keyboards have a light that flashes briefly at startup, indicating that the keyboard is recognised and ready for use.
  • If you're using a wireless keyboard, plug it into your Mac, if possible. Or use your built-in keyboard or a wired keyboard. If you're using a keyboard made for a PC, such as a keyboard with a Windows logo, try a keyboard made for Mac.
  • If you're using Boot Camp to start up from Microsoft Windows, set Startup Disk preferences to start up from macOS instead. Then shut down or restart and try again.
Sasquatch Startler Mac OS

Remember that some key combinations are disabled when your Mac is using a firmware password.

Learn more

  • Keyboard shortcuts that you can use after your Mac has started up.