Fifth Rule of ARIA Use

All interactive elements must have an accessible name.

An interactive element only has an accessible name when its Accessibility API accessible name (or equivalent) property has a value.

The ARIA Player is installed into the default Mac OS X AU plug-ins folder, after which it will be readily available to your host programs. Configuring AAX (Pro Tools) The ARIA Player installer places the AAX plug-in in its proper location to work with Pro Tools. Supports Multiple Platforms: ARIA-based products are currently available for these platforms: Mac OS X 10.4 and higher (PPC32, PPC64, Intel32 and Intel64) and Windows XP and Vista (both 32 and 64-bits). A native Linux version is also in the works.

For example, the input type=text in the code example below has a visible label 'user name' , but no accessible name:

The control's MSAAaccName property is empty:

In comparison, the input type=text in the code example below has a visible label 'user name' and an accessible name. This example has an accessible name because the input element is a labelable element and the label element is used correctly to associate the label text with the input.

Aria Mac Os X

The control's MSAAaccName property has a value of 'user name':

Aria Mac Std

Note: The example above is for ARIA widgets. For regular HTML inputs, follow the First Rule of ARIA, and use the label element with a for attribute to associate labels with input elements.

HTML label element and labelable elements

MacAria mac series guitar

The following is about using the label in HTML. If you are building ARIA widgets, refer to the ARIA Authoring Practices Document

The label element cannot be used to provide an accessible name for custom controls, unless the label is referencing a native HTML labelable element.

The control's MSAAaccName property has a value of 'user name':

A div element regardless of what role is assigned is not an HTML labelable element.

The control's MSAAaccName property is empty:

5th rule is a work in progress